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Guidelines and Style Guides

Brand Identity Guide

Our Brand Identity Guide was created to ensure all print communications — publications, stationery, business cards, promotional items, signs, and all other documents or items representing Clark or its departments and offices — present a clear, consistent, and positive identity.

Download Brand Identity Style Guide

Editorial Style Guide

This Editorial Style Guide is intended to help Clark writers and content managers communicate clearly and consistently by addressing common style, writing, and grammar questions. It is based on the Associated Press Stylebook (with some Clark-specific exceptions).

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Social Media Guidelines

Our social media guidelines are for Clark faculty and staff who post to social media as part of their Clark-affiliated work, or who maintain social media channels for their departments, programs, or offices.

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Web Guidelines

When maintaining Clark department and office websites, content managers should follow Clark’s web guidelines.

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Contact Information

University Marketing and Communications

Office Location

138 Woodland Street
Main Office, Room 207
Worcester, MA 01610


1-508-793-7565 FAX