

电子大学课程评估 将为学生提供的 2024年秋季 期限按以下时间表执行:

  • UG/GS First Half courses: Evaluations open for students on September 20, 2024年,将一直开放到10月11日, 2024.
  • ALCI full-term courses: Evaluations open for students on November 18, 2024年,并将一直开放到12月2日, 2024.
  • UG/GS Second Half courses: Evaluations open for students on November 26, 2024年,将一直开放到12月17日, 2024.
  • 所有其他课程(仅供参考和UG/GS全学期课程):11月26日开始对学生进行评估, 2024年,将一直开放到12月10日, 2024.



电子校级课程评估(eUWCE)是一份问卷,旨在征求本科生和研究生对课程和教学的反馈. 学生的反馈对提高买球平台的教学质量至关重要. Instructors benefit by learning strengths and weakness of their teaching methods.  课程评估是评估教师教学绩效的多种方法之一.

2017年秋季, 教务长办公室和战略分析与机构研究办公室(STAIR)通过探索(explorance.com/course-evaluations), a fully-hosted online course evaluation and survey software system.

What’s the process for administering course evaluations?

Evaluations are administered in the last several weeks of each course. The specific dates will be announced in advance. Many instructors will elect to administer their course evaluations during a class session. 在这些情况下, the evaluations will become available to students on the date arranged by the instructor, and will remain available until the end of the evaluation period, 通常哪一天是上课的最后一天.  For instructors who do not wish to administer evaluations during class, 评估将在评估开始和结束日期之间的任何时间点在线提供给学生(将发送电子邮件宣布这些日期), 这可能因班级而异).

进行课堂评估的教师应在安排的课堂评估之前的课堂上向学生宣布日期, 并分享以下信息:

In a class session before in-class evaluations:

  • 教师应该要求学生在进行评估的当天带一个可以上网的设备来上课. Students can use a laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.
  • 教师应该与学生简要地讨论课程评估的重要性以及如何使用这些评估.
  • 教师应该告诉学生,反馈是有价值的,教师利用学生的反馈来改进课程.
  • 教师应该让学生知道,他们对课程的积极和批评反馈都感兴趣. What aspects of the course and/or instruction helped students learn? What aspects might be changed to help future students learn more effectively?
  • Instructors should remind students that evaluations are completely confidential. 在提交最终成绩之前,教师将无法看到任何评估. Instructors will only see course evaluation results in the aggregate; they will not able to connect any particular comment to any particular student.
  • 教师应该让学生知道,课程教师是他们反馈的主要听众, but that others will potentially read their evaluations, 包括部门和学校的管理人员. Course evaluations play an important role in personnel evaluations and in curriculum planning. 


  • 步骤1. 教师应该引导学生到Canvas,在那里他们将看到他们可以在线完成的评估列表. 除了, 学生将收到一封电子邮件邀请,其中包含指导和他们注册的课程列表. 教师应提醒学生,电子邮件已发送到学生的十大买球平台官方电子邮件地址.
  • 步骤2: Please reiterate to students that evaluations are completely confidential. 在提交最终成绩之前,教师将无法看到任何评估. Instructors will only see course evaluation results in the aggregate; they will not able to connect any particular comment to any particular student.
  • 步骤3:  Instructors should step out of the classroom while the students complete the evaluation.
What if an instructor opts not to administer the course evaluations in a class session?eUWCE是什么?

当学生的课程评估可用时,他们将收到一封初始电子邮件以及两个后续提醒. 学生将能够使用自己的联网设备或十大买球平台计算机实验室的计算机完成课程评估. Not all courses begin and end on the same schedule so these dates can vary.

When is an individual student’s evaluation considered complete?

As soon as a student completes an evaluation and clicks the “submit” button, 事情已成定局,无法改变. A student will only be able to submit one evaluation per course.

Is there a deadline after which students cannot complete the evaluation?

是的. The eUWCE system generally closes @ 11:59pm on the posted end date (see schedule above). No one can complete a course evaluation after the evaluation closes; these dates will be announced through email instructions.  Faculty should announce to students this deadline, and encourage students to complete their course evaluations by this time.


是的. 一次是由教练开的, 在学生点击“提交”按钮或课程评估期结束之前,eUWCE仍然可以在课外使用. If students do not complete their course evaluation in class, 他们可以使用任何能上网的设备, 包括十大买球平台计算机实验室的计算机, 为此目的.


Student evaluations are confidential and anonymous to the instructor of the course, 系主任和院长. 换句话说, 这些教师和管理人员将无法将课程评估与提交评估的特定学生联系起来.  Instructors have access only to courses they taught. Department chairs have access to results from all course evaluations within their department. Deans have access to all course evaluation results within the college.

What do students need to bring to class to complete a course evaluation?

在你计划进行评估的当天,学生应该带一个能上网的设备来上课. They can use a laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.

Will students be able to see any of the evaluation results?

No. Currently evaluation results are only available to the instructor and select administrators.

Why do instructors talk to students about the importance of course evaluations?


  1. Improve response rates and improve the value of results: Students commonly suspect that course evaluation results do not get used; this is one reason for low response rates. 证明学生的反馈很重要,可以提高回应率,更准确地反映学生的经历.
  2. 提高学生的参与度和学习能力: A conversation about evaluations can help establish rapport with students. Discussing what sorts of responses are helpful for an instructor, 为什么, can help students understand an instructor’s teaching methods and the course learning goals. 当学生理解了教学方法与学习目标之间的联系时,他们往往会做出更好的反应,并“全力以赴”.[From 办公室 Assessment of Teaching and Learning, 华盛顿州立大学, 伊丽莎白·卡尼, Ph.D.]

For questions and concerns related to course evaluations, please email eUWCE系统管理员.

Can instructors monitor response rates for their courses?

是的. 教师可以监控课程的评估响应率,直到课程的最后一天(通常与课程的最后一天不同)。.  然而,教师只会看到完成率,而不会看到他们课程中哪些学生完成了评估或任何提交的学生回复的信息.

Instructions on how to access the response rates.


课程评估报告通常在学期结束后大约四周提供. 当报告可供查看时,教师和选定的管理员将收到来自eUWCE系统的自动消息.  A link to view reports is available on the left- hand side of ClarkYOU. 保护学生的隐私, 答卷少于5人的课程将不会分配给讲师,只会分配给系主任和院长. More documentation about how to access reports and Explorance Blue are available at our OneDrive文件夹.


Teaching assistants are not currently evaluated using the UWCE. Departments will administer paper evaluations of TAs separately.

Which courses are excluded from the eUWCE course evaluation process by default?

默认情况下, courses with fewer than 5 students as well as directed studies, laboratory and discussion sections and honors courses are excluded from evaluations. Prior to the administration of the course evaluation period, 各院系将审阅这些课程, and may opt to include any that are excluded by default.

  • Many of the rating items are asked on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being most negative and 5 being most positive.
  • 关于个别报告, 教师能够获得他们课程的平均评分以及他们部门的平均评分, 学校, 和大学. 所有有5个或更多回答的课程都被用作生成平均值的基础数据集.
  • 有交叉课程的院系, departmental-level averages include courses at the level in which students registered. 例如, 对于DEPT ABC, all responses are separated out based on the corresponding course level (e.g.,本科生vs。. 毕业). 交叉上市课程, the course level in which students registered are included based the course level (e.g.当然是DEPT. ABC 231/331,通过DEPT注册的学生. ABC 331 will have their responses included in the DEPT. ABC-Graduate平均值).
  • Department chairs and deans will see course averages computed on all responses, 没有适当的门槛.


